Arktika Vanilla

Premium Flavoured Vodka


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The Arctic has always been a place of mystery and fascination. A place where one can experience incredible beauty in the most extreme environment. For centuries man has attempted to conquer this inhospitable place, risking their lives to explore the Arctic circle.

In this bitterly cold and isolated environment explorers would rely on small tokens to help them pass the time during the long journeys through the ice covered waters. Amongst the obvious provisions there would always be room for a bottle or two of Vodka. With its smooth taste it provided an uplifting and heartwarming escape from the cold. Vodka was a way of keeping up morale during times when human endurance was challenged.

Brand: Category:






Triple distilled and charcoal filtered


Clear liquid


Soft vanilla on the nose, that’s inviting for a long, rich finish on the palate. With fresh and pure aromas


Complex and well-balanced. It has a smooth caramel after taste at the back of the mouth. As real vanilla beans have been used to make this vodka, there is also a very slight caramel appearance to the vodka – flavour that you can see


Clean, smooth with a hint of caramel on the back palate

Previous Awards:

Bronze Medal
2015 China Wine & Spirits Awards
Bronze Medal
2015 Australian Distilled Spirits
Bronze Medal
2015 San Francisco World Spirits Competition